Saturday, December 24, 2011

This year in music

This is has been amazing for us. We've had the chance to play some amazing shows and we're looking forward to keep it going until the end of the world next December. But of course, we probably listen to to more music than we play and this year has been quite the adventure for us all!

Jon Campbell, our face-melting lead guitarist has discovered a very fun group out of Irvine. No surprise that Young the Giant is full of big drums, loud guitars, and lots of reverb in the mic.

This year our drummer, Justin Curtis, got introduced to lots of genres of music he was always afraid to try in the past. He had quite the experience the first time he listened to Adele's "Someone Like You" as he was surfing facebook on a sleepless night; needless to say the tears flowed freely. With her haunting voice and powerful lyrics Adele has become one of his absolute favorite.

But luckily, ever since Justin became a Lovecapade he has had Colin to show him how amazing real rock music can be. They both have been listening to the new Foo Fighters album, Wasting Light, practically non-stop.

Colin, our British front-man/Dave Grohl wannabe, has been all over the European sounds coming from The Vaccines and Frank Turner. The Vaccines have a very modern approach to a classic sound that has to be heard to understand.

And then there is Frank Turner, when you hear this you'll understand why Colin's guitar goes through more strings than Sally's fabric store.

So, there are some of the fun times we've had this year. But no Lovecapades web log entry about our favorite sounds would be complete without our favorite summer jam. This is what gets us ready for every show we play!

Happy New Year, and much love!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We have a blog now!!

Well, we may have reached a new level of hip!  This is a place where anyone can come and find out the latest news about The Lovecapades.  We are an acoustic-pop-rock quartet based in Provo, UT but hailing from Arizona, Maryland, Kansas, and the United Kingdom.  We love playing music, and we hope you love listening to it.  Check us out on facebook to hear all our music for free and check back here for updates on shows and any other thoughts we might have.

We love you all!!